Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1

This is day one 364 to go

Last year, I had hit a bit of a rock bottom.  In my family life, my social life and my work life.
I had started what was originally an anonymous blog where I let loose all of my emotions, good and bad about who, the how and the what  that was affecting me.

It did not stay anonymous for long. I just could not keep it that way.

The original plan was to blog about one full year of my life.
I failed in the sense that I did not make it a year.

I was successful in one thing though, I got rid of most of the drama that was making my life hell. Basically the reasons I had hit that rock bottom to begin with.

I do miss that old blog on some levels though.  So, here I am, re-modeling it - as drama free as I can get it. Focusing more on the good points that did come out of last year's mess.

So this would be day 1. Only 364 days left to go.

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