Monday, January 24, 2011

The challenge

In the book turned movie Julie/Julia,  Julie Powell decided to blog a full year of her successes and failures of working from cover to cover of Julia Child's most famous cookbook Mastering the Art of French Cooking. 

This made her one of the first major online blogging celebrities, and the Queen Bean of foodies (yeah I know same thing said in a different way)  She's inspired millions of us since.  And part of the reason I started both my own cooking blog two years ago and last years Ramen Noodles blog.

Since then, my cooking has improved slightly.

I've also discovered Top Chef.  My latest addiction. I've made a few very bold statements on my cooking blog about doing some of the smaller challenges from Top Chef. Mostly the vending machine/gas station  challenge.  In other words, the only ingredients I'd be allowed to use other then salt/pepper/oil  would be whatever I find in a gas station corner store and/or vending machine.  Price limit $20 total.

I've not set a date for this Top Chef challenge, only that I will do it this year (2011)  I'll keep you posted as to when I do it, and how it turns out.

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