Late very late posting.
There were no cooking experiments today at all. It was leftovers night.
But the 8 of Cups card in Tarot was popping up all day in readings. It's a card about moving away from one stage in life/issue without looking back. I've been trying to figure out what that might be?
So, I saw your comment about the planets playing tricks on us. After that post, we had two more challenges presented to us...Is it over now?
ReplyDelete: )
Kristin... Mercury goes direct today. But there will be a few lingering issues till mid week.
ReplyDeleteI know there are a couple of planets that are shifting around in the zodiac for the first time in over 7 years, and will stay in their new zodiac for close to 8 years. I'll have to get my books out and study up a bit to really answer you question properly.