Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 119

It's a Wednesday and once again over on Jamie Ridler Studios,  it's wishcasting day.  Her question this week is "what do you want to begin?"

When I read that this morning, I thought it would be better to ask what I wish to finish, as I have a horrible case of starting things and not completing them.  It seems to be a bad Aries trait.
But I would like to start a new life.   There are just some moments when I really wish I could just become someone else.
Few weeks ago, I was having a really crappy bad day, things were just not happy; and I asked my buddy M. if I could runaway?   He asked why, and when I said I would like to be someone else,  his answer {which came in a text by the way}  was  "why can't you be someone else here?"  

He just didn't get it.  He just doesn't get me. 

Now, I know the main rule of the AYILOORN is to be drama free.   So I'm just going to wrap this post up with saying,  I wish intend that I could am starting a new lifestyle {be careful how you word things, the Gods/Goddesses/Universe will take you at your wording. Never say you are sick of your life or hate your life, say you hate your circumstances/situation}


  1. Love love love this post. Thanks for commenting on mine, I just pray blogspot allows my comment to go through. Been dicey lately!

    As Ardeth intends for herself, so I intend for her also...

  2. As Ardeth intends for herself I intend for her also! I think we all feel that way now and again..that we could just start all over as someone new! Namaste, Sarah

  3. Im right there with ya gurl! I totally am tired of not finishing things because everyone or everything gets in my way , I get in my way .Dont worry just focus and get through it and everything will be ok , you just need to be your alter-ego within yourself, thats how you can be someone else when ya want to be. : )

    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!

  4. As you intend for yourself, so I add my intention for you! I went to Australia and I was someone else...well, actually I was my real self. Thankfully I brought her back with me! I don't think you need to go away to become another person, but it can be easier to do it with people who don't already have preconceived ideas of who 'you' are! xx

  5. Staring fresh.. love it! :]
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

  6. To a new lifestyle (and to being able to end things!).

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  7. Good luck on your journey! As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also.

  8. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you too ..... that the endings end smoothly and the beginnings are full of excitement and possibility ... and that all things are possible where you are now.

  9. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you.

  10. I totally know what you mean... when you asked, could you run away. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

  11. Did you make a list for your buddy M on why you consider you can´t be someone else? That might help him understand you better.
    As Ardeth wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

  12. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!!
