I had thought I had posted them here but I am not sure I have before. Just a round of Kitchen Omens
If your nose itches you have a secret admirer.
If your lips itch you will soon be kissed.
If your right side of your body itches your lover is thinking of you.
If the bottom of your feet itch you are soon to travel.
If your left palm itches you are about to receive money or mail.
If you drop a silverware there will be a knock on your door.
If you drop a spoon it will be a male visitor, a fork a female.
- When you drop silverware/chopsticks it means company is coming
- When you spill water when making coffee/tea a storm is coming
- When cooking rice if a ring forms on the pot you are about to get money
- When boiling eggs if they crack in the water you are about to get uninvited company
- When the broom/mop falls company is coming
- When your nose itches you have a secret admirer
- When the bottom of your left foot itches you are to travel
- When your left palm itches you are about to receive money
- When your lips itch you will soon be kissed
- If you sneeze on a Saturday you will see your true love the next day
- If you sneeze on a Tuesday you will soon kiss a stranger
- If your shoe laces come undone your true love is thinking of you
- If the right side of your body itches your true love is thinking of you
- If your ear is burning then someone is talking about you

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